Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 8: It is well

Day 8: Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Even though we technically found water and installed pipes in José Olaya and Los Palmas, we left instructions and materials with the community leaders to pour the gravel and cement around the pipes before we returned to install the actual pump. At each site, we had to flush the pipes and then install the pump. Unlike the well digging, this process is much more a one or two man job, which made it difficult to feel useful. I really wanted to go back to Iquitos as soon as we were finished because I haven’t spoken with anyone from home all this time. I only briefly called my dad on a borrowed phone card to tell him I had arrived safely. I miss them.

Juilo left instructions for each community on how to work the well and what to do if problems arise. And then he brought the GOSPEL! It was incredible to hear him preach God’s good news. There was no mistaking why he was there.

I also enjoyed playing with the kids while everything was being completed. Although I did observe some disgusting hygiene habits: mothers picking the lice out of their child’s hair…and eating it. Ugh!

it was good to get to know the team a little bit better before leaving. Unfortunately, Lea is not feeling well. She has a very high fever, which worries me due to all her many bites.

We had back to the city tomorrow. Praise God! The jungle is ok but I’m really craving some ice cream and French fries and looking forward to an actual bed that I can’t flip out of and a shower I don’t have to share with insects or marine life.

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