Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's a long way from D to J but it's worth 5A

Dear Blog Readers (if indeed you actually exist),

I feel I should warn you about the natural of the following posts. As I embarked on this journey of faith, I quickly realized (and am still realizing) “denying myself” (Luke 9:23-35) does not come natural to my flesh. It was quite a battle with the “old man” (2 Corinthians 5:17, Col. 3:9-10,) to leave home. The warning comes in lieu of the fact that Christianity is not always easy (actually hardly ever according to the gospel) and I do not intend to paint a false picture of my experiences. As I already hinted, there are two reasons for not sugar-coating God’s calling: 1) Jesus didn’t. 2) There is a beauty in sharing one another’s burdens. As I open up, I hope you will use this blog to help direct in praying for the people of Peru who are in desperate need of the gospel and the laborers God has sent out for harvest. So all that to say I don’t what to be negative, but I want to be honest too.

Day 1: Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It’s actually 7:04 am on June 30 as I write this in the Lima airport, fighting against drowsiness until my flight leaves in 2 hours, but the perfect time to blog as I sip my morning caffeine boost of coffee.

Beth surprised me Monday night after I wrote with a scrapbook filled with notes and pictures from my friends! It is so special. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write a note, it’s hard to explain how encouraging that is…and I’ve barely even opened yet. It was quite interesting fitting that huge book into my luggage but the “Queen of Packing” made it work. She actually packed a good deal of my things…I hope I can find them later. =) Thanks friend! All the bags were under the weight limit and the airline lady didn’t even charge me for my checked bag!

I wish I could say I left Brandon beaming with enthusiasm, but that’s just not the case - I was in tears. It’s just such a huge step of faith for me and the culmination of so much prayer and seeking God’s heart. Now that I’m finally here – I’m busting at the seams with contentment.

All my flights were basically on time. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to DFW airport. It’s pretty nice, lots to look at and do. On the Dallas – Miami flight there were two empty seats beside me and I took a little, but much needed, siesta.

Miami International Airport scared the mess out of me though. I landed close to 10:00 and all the shops were closing down as I walked from concourse D to concourse J. Let me just say, it’s a long way from D to J. And I went through some super sketch airport areas. You know the places where it’s just you and the weird man walking down a hallway together. You keep a safe distance behind him but then he suddenly feels the need to check his boarding pass again, so now he’s just behind you…yeah. Fun. Very unsafe feeling. I felt safer on the streets of San Francisco at 11 pm than Miami’s airport. I decided the bathroom stall would be a good place for a breakdown, so I had a chance to be alone and pray. The Lord encouraged me, showing me that I am never alone.

After I passed the gate and gave my passport and boarding pass to the attendant, I walk through the open doors just like everyone else and the harsh Spanish woman yells, “Brandi, Brandi!” I turn around and see her point to a chair behind her, “Sit here uno momento, por favor.” I comply, no doubt with a look that says, “What have I done?” Oh great! I haven’t even made it out of the country yet and I’ve already down something wrong. Another English speaking attendant comes over and starts writing on my boarding pass. They changed your seat. 5A.

5A was first class on an overnight flight and it was NICE! God is so faithful to provide encouragement at exactly the time it is needed. Just like Nelson Hannah prayed Sunday night, God is into the details. Besides having my own TV (which actually had an episode of FRIENDS. Perfect!) and extra nice things (like space and freebies) the seat fully reclined. Oh yes sir! That is the ONLY way to travel overnight. I got some SOLID rest (probably a good 3 hours) which way more than I would’ve gotten otherwise. Oh and I mentioned all the shops and restaurant had been closed, so I hadn’t had dinner. First class comes with a full meal (even glassware and real silverware). I was so grateful and encouraged. The Lord knows me, and how my body doesn’t function without at least some sleep. =) He is good.

So I leave you with this verse Beth gave me in a sweet note (which happened to be full of verses from Isaiah. You would friend. Haha!),

“For by people of strange lips and with a foreign tongue the LORD will speak to this people, to whom he has said, “This is rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose.’” Isaiah 28:11-12

Today may each of us be instruments of rest for the weary, allowing God to give rest from strongholds by his freedom, disease by his blood, and despair by his peace!

Glory to God,
Lima, Peru

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